The Key to Meeting Ladies Is

By Joseph Matthews

Here are a few easy to follow steps you can use to meet women that makes the process of meeting women fun and easy!

Is meeting women hard for you to do? Do you feel afraid when it comes to meeting women? And is that fear keeping you from succeeding and keeping you lonely and alone?

You may be under the false assumption that meeting women is supposed to come naturally to you. After all - we're men! Aren't we just "supposed" to know how to do this naturally?

Totally Wrong.

No matter what you believe, men are not born with the skills of how to meet and attract women. (Trust me, I wish that WAS the case, but it's not!)

You must LEARN how to meet women, just like you have to learn to speak, walk, or do long division.

This is a SKILL. Skills don't come naturally, they have to be learned!

So if you currently don't know how to meet women, don't worry, there is NOTHING wrong with you! You just haven't learned enough to make meeting women something that's comfortable and easy yet.

There are some guys out there who have such low self-esteem that they think every girl they approach will either reject them, laugh in their face, or insult them right off the bat. Maybe they're afraid of being publicly embarrassed, or the slim possibility the girl has a jealous boyfriend who will beat them up!

Do you ever think of these as possibilities before you meet a girl? Because if you do, then you are actually TRAINING yourself to be scared and take no action to meet women.

In other words: You're practicing FAILURE.

Those fears often come from experiences men suffered in junior high or middle school, when they saw stuff like this happen on TV, and they think it actually applies to their own life.

But here's some good news - even if you weren't a lucky "early bloomer," you are still able to take control of any fear you may have about meeting women. Just because you didn't have early success, doesn't mean you can't still be extremely successful with the ladies!

You're just going to have to re-learn what you know about how to talk to women, and you'll have to be willing to examine and change your current beliefs and attitudes that hold you back when it comes to meeting women.

Understandably, this is difficult for most guys to do. It's one thing to say "I want to meet women," but the hard part is taking action and DOING it! You need to ask yourself how badly do you want to improve, and if you're willing to do the work.

You don't want to be one of those guys who says, "Next time..." to himself whenever he sees an attractive woman. Because for those guys, every time is the "next time!"

If you see a girl you want to meet - say SOMETHING. Even if you don't know what to say, just take a chance.

At the very least - pay her an honest compliment and take an interest in who she is!

Don't get hung up on what you're going to say, just go over and talk to her. Don't give yourself time to talk yourself out of it. Make the decision to act and follow through. (If you need to, memorize a few interesting stories about your life if you need something to talk about.)

You can be a winner even if you don't win the girl over. Obviously, if you get her phone number or a date with her later on, you've won something big! But if you only get a girl to smile whom you thought was out of your league, you've also won big. And you'll also win just by knowing that you're not going to wonder later on what would have happened if you had actually tried to meet that girl.

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